New features in Redmine Tags plugin

See what's new in the latest versions of our Tags plugin

New features

Tags in Agile Version planner

You can display tags on task cards in the Agile Version planner tool. Tags can now be used to filter the tasks in the planner.


Grouping by tags in the time report

You can now group the time spent by the tags. In a glimpse of an eye, you will see the costs distributed by types of tasks. For example, when each Support ticket is tagged, it makes the analyses fast and convenient.


Contextual menu for tasks

Now you can use the contextual menu to add few tags to one or multiple Issues. In the popup, you will see the list of most frequently used tags. You can add new ones as well.


Set sorting order for the search

You can configure the order of displaying suggested tags in the selection field. It's really convenient to see the most recent or most frequently used tags immediately, without the need to search for them, when you are tagging the issue.


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