GitHub Integration for software development teams

Actually, you can integrate not only GitHub, but also Bitbucket and GitLab.

Thanks to integration you will be able to get integrated version control as if the subversion repository was hosted locally. You will be able to see commits stats for team members, and the ability to comment on or close issues or even track time right from a commit message.

The process is easy and can be completed in a time that is required to make a cup of good coffee. Sounds sweet, right?

Ok. Let us describe to you what we are going to do now.

At the beginning you'll need to share your external repo URL, so we'll be able to fetch and mirror it. Then you'll be able to benefit from the subversion connection as if it was hosted locally by us. We provide a simple webhook which you can call using curl in a post-receive hook script. By doing so, RedmineUP will mirror each update whenever new commits are pushed.

RedmineUP will generate a pair of SSH keys for you. Add the generated public key as a deploy key to grant our tool read-only access to your private repo.

Ready to start?

Great, here’s the step by step guide to set up connection with GitHub:

Create a free RedmineUP account

Registration of your account takes only a minute and doesn't require a credit card. During the sign up we'll ask only about your name, a business mail address, a work phone number and to select a subdomain for your account. A link to your new account will be sent right after the registration. Create a free RedmineUP Cloud account here.

Enable WS for repository management

After you are logged into your RedmineUP account, navigate to Administration → Settings → Repositories. Now make sure that the checkbox next to "Enable WS for repository management" is active and that you have an API key set up. If you don't have it, click on the "Generate a key" button to have it set up.

Configure project settings

Create a project, then navigate to Settings → Repositories. Click on the "New repository" button. Choose an Identifier, enter the (SSH for private repositories, SSH or HTTP for public repositories) URL of your GitHub repository in the "Repository for mirroring" field, then click Create.

Back in your project, head over to the Repository tab, find and select the repository you just created. You should see the instructions screen on the right sidebar with Payload Url. Keep it for GitHub settings.

Set up GitHub (or other)

On GitHub, navigate to your repository, then to Settings → Webhooks → Add Webhook, fill in the information from the Payload Url section in the RedmineUP help and click "Add webhook".

That's it! A short while after your first commit, the repository will show up on RedmineUP cloud account.

Once you combine Git into your project workflow, you'll be able to link Git commits issues and connect the code with bugs or new features.

Our users, such as Peter Gaarde from RSP Systems, are satisfied with the integration as it helps them to deliver the changes faster.

Peter's team was able to work with better coordination, less confusion, and increase the pace of development.

"The integration of GitHub with RedmineUP makes it possible to track changes to documents (typically source code) stored in GitHub - back to the original risk element, design input, bug report, regulatory requirement or other impacts that initiated that change.

The impact is made into an issue and can be broken down into sub-issues containing, e.g., software-requirements. The requirement-issues will follow some software development lifecycle, supported by workflow, statuses, tackers, checklists, and working instructions in RedmineUP".

Here you can check the full case study of RSP Systems.

If you have any questions, book a meeting with our product manager or drop us a message.

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